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SCHLiNGEL presents German film in Tokio


After 171 films from 54 countries were shown on the big screen at our 28th SCHLiNGEL in Chemnitz in September, a German film is now travelling to the other side of the world. And so THE ORDINARIES - accompanied by director Sophie Linnenbaum - can currently be seen at the Kineko International Children's Film Festival in Tokyo.

It has become a tradition for us to travel around the world with German productions. Currently we are travelling to Japan. The 30th International Children's Film Festival Kineko is taking place there from 1 to 6 November. Included in the programme: THE ORDINARIES, which was awarded the Children's and Youth Film Award of the Goethe-Institutand the Award of the Ecumenical Jury at SCHLiNGEL 2022. The film's director, Sophie Linnenbaum, will be in Japan to present her film to the Japanese audience, as will our festival director Michael Harbauer.

The Kineko Film Festival and SCHLiNGEL have always enjoyed a close partnership, which is why a kind of film exchange took place again this year. The Japanese film IT'S ALL MY FAULT by director Yusaku Matsumoto was shown in Chemnitz, while THE ORDNINARIES, presented by us, can now be seen on the big screen in Tokyo. Mitsuo Tahira, the director of the Kineko Film Festival, has also been in Chemnitz for the festival for several years now and is part of the Club of Festival, a network of representatives from children's film festivals around the world.

The presentation of the German film in Japan takes place in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Tokyo and is financially supported by the Saxon State Chancellery and the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung MDM.

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