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chemnitzer drive-in cinema celebrates its premiere


In order to provide cinema fans with the best cinematic entertainment and a little variety from everyday life, the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL is launching a new project: Chemnitz' first drive-in cinema on the trade fair parking lot - in cooperation with the C³ Chemnitzer Veranstaltungszentren, the Clubkino Siegmar and the Kino Metropol Chemnitz!

"Especially for families who currently spend time together at home 24/7, the drive-in cinema offers a welcome change far away from their own four walls. Alone in the car and yet together with all visitors, films can be watched that allow a journey to other countries, surroundings and situations - an unforgettable experience for the whole family", says Michael Harbauer, director of the film festival SCHLINGEL and initiator of the drive-in cinema in Chemnitz, convinced.

The starting shot was given in front of sold-out seats on the 22nd April 2020, at 8 pm with the German production the KANGAROO CHRONICLES. From Thursday, visitors can expect two events a day. At 5 p.m. there will be a children's and family film on LED screens, and from 8 p.m. the evening programme will begin on a large 200 square metre screen. On Friday and Saturday there will additionally be a midnight film at 11 pm. Visitors will receive the film sound via their own car radio. Initially, 230 cars are planned per event. "The program is constantly being expanded and extended. Cultural or other formats are also conceivable once the drive-in cinema has established itself." says Dr. Ralf Schulze optimistically about the future.

All information about the program, the safety instructions & online tickets are available here:

You can see a preview under the following link:

© Kristin Schmidt

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