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Original title: Hiernamaals
German title: Jenseits
93 min
Youth Film
from 14 years
2019 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Willem Bosch
Script: Willem Bosch
Cast: Sanaa Giwa, Gijs Scholten van Asschat


2019 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Jacco van Re
Pupkin Film

When teenager Sam arrives home one day, her mother is already gone. She is said to have fallen off the ladder, so her father tells her. She was dead immediately. Now Sam is alone with him and her two brothers. She misses her mother and has to be strong and take on many tasks in the family at the same time. Some months pass by and yet her father is so absent he gives her a children’s book for her birthday. Deeply saddened, she overlooks a truck on the country road on her way to school. Sam wakes up in the afterlife, which looks completely different from her expectations. A subway takes her to the friendly city of the dead. Here she meets her mother. Even though both are happy to be reunited, there is a chance for Sam to start her life all over again. She could save her mother by hiding the ladder! But was it really the truth her father told her about her mother’s death? And can the two women escape their fate?

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