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That's Life

Original title: Succede
German title: So ist das Leben
95 min
Youth Film
from 14 years
2018 | German Premiere
Direction: Francesca Mazzoleni


2018 | Youth Film

Additional Information

Just quickly checking messages on Instagram, then off to school: Margherita “Mag” is a young woman in Milan. She goes to the sea and sometimes skips school with her friends Olimpia and Tom. When Olimpia's cousin Sam shows up, he falls in love with Mag, who rails against her feelings because her ex-boyfriend abandoned her. Sam makes an effort and Mag feels understood. When she accidentally throws a glance at her best friend’s cell phone, it becomes clear that Sam’s sweet gestures were Olimpia’s ideas. Mag feels betrayed and lied to. She turns away from her best friends and starts hanging out with the wrong people. In a disco she meets her “ex” again. She is drunk and starts to kiss him. Tom storms in and breaks up their embrace. That night, they disclose their love for each other, which they have only just become aware of. But it is not that easy to suddenly be a couple – also because of Mag’s closely guarded secret. On top of that, Tom goes to Argentina.

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