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Original title: Girl
German title: Girl
105 min
Youth Film
Belgium, Netherlands
from 16 years
2018 | German Premiere
Direction: Lukas Dhont
Script: Lukas Dhont, Angelo Tijssens


2018 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Frank van den Eeden
Topkapi Films, Menuet

Lara was born in the body of a boy. The 15-year-old has moved to a new city with her father and her little brother. There she joins a ballet school because she wants to become a ballerina. Lara has to train often and hard to achieve this. But in fact, she is to avoid physical exertion, so the doctors can start the gender-adjusting operations she is strongly longing for, because she has not been at peace with herself for a long time. Due to these uncertainties, she also remains reserved in her new school and finds it difficult to make friends. The other classmates and some of the teachers do not seem to understand her problems and often treat her insensitively. Love causes trouble for Lara too. She only wants to fall in love after all surgeries have been carried out. But when she begins to interest herself in her neighbour, she is plagued by shame and doubt. She increasingly retreats. On the one hand, Lara is looking forward to sex reassignment, but on the other hand, she does not want to fail in her ballet school. Eventually, the pressure on her becomes unbearable.

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