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Godless Youth

Original title: Jugend ohne Gott
German title: Jugend ohne Gott
114 min
German Focus
from 15 years
2017 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Alain Gsponer
Script: Matthias Pacht, Alex Buresch, nach dem Roman von Ödön van Horvath
Cast: Emilia Schüle, Alicia von Rittberg


2017 | German Focus

Additional Information
Frank Lamm
Tobias Haas
Enis Rotthoff
die film gmbh

In a strictly organised achievement-oriented society, where only the law of the strongest applies, the students of a senior class must prove themselves in a digitally supervised training camp in order to enter one of the prestigious Rowald universities. This privilege is reserved to the rich and the best of the country. Weak and critically thinking people have no chance. They are sorted out and deported to sectors for the inferior. The two ambitious followers Titus and Nadesha would accept anything to get access to the elite. They definitely do not want to end up like the illegal people, who refuse to comply with the class system and thus violate the law. Outsider Zach, on the other hand, does not care. He dreams of freedom, equality, and questions the entire system. He does not stick to the rules and secretly meets rebellious Eva instead. His seemingly morally upright teacher wants to help Zach. But he as well becomes increasingly entangled in a web of lies and secrets. When Zach’s diary disappears, the situation is threatening to escalate.

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