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Zip & Zap and the Captain's Island

Original title: Zipi y Zape y la Isla del Capitán
German title: Zip & Zap und die Kapitänsinsel
100 min
Children´s Film
from 9 years
2017 | German Premiere
Direction: Oskar Santos
Script: Oskar Santos, Jorge Lara


2017 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Daniel Sosa
Carolina Martínez Urbina
Mod Producciones

After the naughty twins Zip and Zap misbehaved at Christmas of all days, they have to accompany their parents on a boring boat trip to a distant island. For Zip and Zap the feast seems to be finished. Immediately after their arrival, they get lost and meet Miss Pam, the eccentric director of a children’s home. The brothers spend the night there and the next day, they realise that their parents have seemingly left them. What makes the boys sad at first soon turns out to be a great adventure. From now on they can lead a life without rules and limits. No one patronises and punishes them. Nobody spoils their fun. But the seemingly carefree life has its price. The children are not allowed to make inquiries about the island. Miss Pam seems to have her secrets too. Does she have anything to do with the disappearance of their parents?
The cool brothers are not deterred and embark on a journey of discovery full of dangers and extraordinary adventures together with their friends Flequi and Maqui.

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