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Original title: Blanka
German title: Blanka
85 min
Japan, Italy, Philippines
from 11 years
2016 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Kohki Hasei
Script: Kohki Hasei


2016 | Panorama

Additional Information
Onishi Takeyuki

Eleven-year-old Philippine orphan girl Blanka earns her living by begging and stealing on the street. Blanka’s greatest wish is to be adopted. So she comes up with the idea of buying a mother for 30,000 Pesos. One day she meets the blind street musician Peter. Through him she not only discovers her musical talent, but also learns what true friendship means. Blanka’s dream to buy a mother is quickly forgotten when she and Peter start playing as musicians in a bar. Finally they have money, a roof over their heads and are a family. But happiness is short-lived. When Blanka is unjustly accused of stealing, her life gets completely out of control: she has to live on the street again, leaves Peter behind in a dispute, street boys make life difficult for her and she is pressed by a human trafficker. The young girl’s situation appears to be hopeless. Will Blanka still find her way in the end and finally be happy?

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