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The Butterfly

Original title: Le Papillon
German title: Der Schmetterling
83 min
from 6 years
Direction: Philippe Muyl


2004 | Panorama

Additional Information

Butterfly collector Julien sets out to look for Isabella - a wonderful, very rare twilight butterfly. He is already looking forward to a quiet mountain hike through beautiful forests. Suddenly Elsa stands in front of him, the little bright girl from the neighbourhood. By chance she found out about Julien's plans and climbed into his car unnoticed. Julien would love to get rid of the child, because it seems that she never breathes as she is constantly babbling. But Elsa's mother does not answer the phone. So the strange couple, the grumpy eccentric and the bright child, set off together to the mountains, - always in search of the mysterious Isabella.

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