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No Hard Feelings!

Original title: Sans Rancune!
German title: Nichts für ungut! (Ohne Ressentiment!)
104 min
Youth Film
Belgium, France
from 14 years
2009 | German Premiere
Direction: Yves Hanchard
Script: Yves Hanchar
Cast: Thierry Lhermitte, Milan Mauger, Benoît Cauden, Marianne Basler


2009 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Remon Fromont
Sandrine Deegen
George van Dam

It was in the year 1955. 17-year-old Laurent Matagne was expelled from school again. Although the boy is very talented, he seems to be bad-mannered. Now he starts panicking himself. He desperately needs his school-leaving qualifications. Laurent's last chance is a boarding school. His mother is looking forward to this educational institution with high hopes. Her greatest wish is that the son makes a career as a stockbroker one day. That is out of the question for Laurent. Unfortunately, he finds no advocate for his wishes. He would much rather become a writer. But there is no father with whom he could discuss this problem. His father has been missing since an air raid in 1940. After his arrival at the boarding school, Laurent finds it very difficult to settle in. He only feels drawn towards his French teacher. Vapour is surrounded by an eccentric aura. And he is enthusiastic about literature. That passion is transferred to Laurent. The boy sees his decision to become a writer in a totally new light. But there is something else about Vapour’s charisma. Laurent gets stuck in the idea that the teacher might be his lost father. Together with his friend, he devises a plan to uncover the truth.

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