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The Crocodiles

Original title: Vorstadtkrokodile
German title: Vorstadtkrokodile
93 min
German Focus
from 9 years
Highly Recommended
Direction: Christian Ditter
Script: Christian Ditter, Martin Ritzenhoff
Cast: Nora Tschirner, Nick Romeo Reimann, Fabian Halbig, Esther Schweins, Campino, Martin Semmelrogge


2009 | German Focus

Additional Information
Deutsch (UT), Arabisch (UT), Dari (UT)
Christian Rein
Ueli Christen
Heiko Maile
Westside Filmproduktion

The suburb crocodiles are cool. Each gang member wears a crocodile tag that is only granted after a test of courage. Hannes wants to belong to the gang. He manages to climb the roof of the old dilapidated brick factory. He finds the tag, but then it slips from his hand. When Hannes tries to reach for it again, he slips off and clings to the gutter, which cannot carry the burden for long. At the same time, Kai is sitting at the window, watching the environment through his telescope. When he notices the events taking place on the grounds of the old brick factory, he immediately alerts the fire brigade. As Kai is new in town, he seeks friends. And he desperately needs them. Should he not have found any by the end of the school holidays, his mother wants to enrol him in a school for handicapped children. However, Kai wants to go to a real school. He pins his hopes on Hannes and the suburb crocodiles. But the other group members do not want to admit a boy in a wheelchair. Only when someone breaks into the shop of Hannes's mother and Kai leads the crocodiles on the right track, his dream seems to come true.
The suburb crocodiles film is based on the novel by Max von der Grün from the year 1976. There is an earlier TV movie made in 1977.


"Die Neuverfilmung von Vorstadtkrokodile ist ein urkomisches und spannendes Filmereignis, das auf sehr amüsante Art hilft, Vorurteile abzubauen, Mut zu machen und den Kids einen Weg in die richtige Richtung weist." (Silvy Pommerenke, , Silvy Pommerenke

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