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Seri & Harr

Original title: Seri & Harr
German title: Seri & Harr
91 min
Junior Film
South Korea
from 12 years
2008 | European Premiere
Direction: Jang Soo-young
Script: Su-young Jang
Cast: Mijie Jang Tonguia, Se-na Choi


2008 | Junior Film

Additional Information
Yong-hun Lee
Su-young Jang, Young-hun Kan
Sang-hun Jung

South Korea is in a societal transition. A multi-cultural and multi-ethnic orientation is necessary due to the large number of migrant workers and mixed marriages. But the population has and maintains prejudices and discriminates against this group of residents. And the government’s wrong policies also contributes to criminalizing immigrants. Little Harr and her father are Filipino immigrants living illegally in the country. The daily fear of being deported has not harmed the cheerful girl. She and her father hope every day they can finally live legally in Korea. A state official sends Harr to a television company that tells her story. Now Harr and her father can hope that their naturalization will be quick and smooth. Things looks very different for Seri. She as well is an illegal resident. Her family came from Vietnam. And while Seri dreams to become a great golf player, her mother works in a chemical factory to earn a living. One day she suffers a collapse. Now the family needs a lot of money for the hospital treatment. In fact, Seri and Harr could be good friends. They ought to stick together especially now, with the witch-hunt against immigrants being organized. But Seri’s jealousy exposes everyone to great danger.

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