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Original title: Strish
German title: Schnitt
80 min
Youth Film
from 14 years
2008 | German Premiere
Direction: Abai Kulbai
Script: Abai Zvonkine Kulbai
Cast: Inessa Kislova, Anar Kakenova, Merlen Kaldybalin, Lyazzat Aidarova, Bakhytzhan Alpeisov, Maxim Pupisov


2008 | Youth Film

Additional Information
Alexander Kostylev
Aizhan Bisibinova
Sergei Pogoreltsev

Ainur does not live on the bright side of life. Her parents got divorced many years ago. Her highly pregnant mother sits at home, a small cabin made from all kinds of building materials. The mother and her constantly drunken stepfather always have loud arguments about money and alcohol. Ainur cannot endure it any longer. Her only hope is her biological father. Although he loves his daughter and has granted her shelter now and again, Ainur’s problems are too much for him. So he repeatedly sends the girl home again. At school Ainur has problems too. The classmates tease her. They always find something else. This time the reason is Ainur’s half-finished haircut. (She simply ran out of the hairdressing salon.) After an unfair duel in the school playground, Ainur decides not to go to school any more. She simply leaves her satchel at the metro station and roams around. One bad event follows to the other, just like cuts. Ainur completely loses her faith in humanity. When she visits her father again, she gets back to reality. He gives Ainur a cordial reception and tells her that her mother is in hospital and has given birth. The girl runs off.

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