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Original title: Magique
German title: Magie
87 min
Children´s Film
France, Canada
from 8 years
2009 | German Premiere
Direction: Philippe Muyl
Script: Philippe Muyl
Cast: Marie Gillain, Antoine Dulery, Louis Dussol, Benoit Briere, Cali (Bruno Caliciuri)


2009 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Piere Gill
Richard Comeau
Philippe Muyl, Bruno Caliciuri

10-year-old Tommy lives with his mother on a bee farm in Canada. The boy does not know his father. In a dream he saw him as an astronaut, so every night he looks into his telescope and gazes at the stars. Betty, Tommy's mother, manages the estate on her own. The boy knows that his mother worries a lot about the future. He thinks that she is very sad because he has not seen a smile on her face for a long time. One day a circus comes to town. Since they lack of the necessary papers, however, the circus is not allowed to stay. Tommy persuades his mother to provide the showmen with a piece of their land. After initial skepticism, Betty agrees. When the caravan finally emerges, she is beside herself. Instead of the four to five carriages that Tommy announced, there are suddenly twenty! But her son's joy makes her forget about her anger quickly. Moreover, the circus people seem to be quite sociable. Tommy spens the whole day with the artistes. The world of magic and illusions enthrals him. He understands that each individual has his own concept of life and this mixture is very fascinating for the boy. He even leads serious discussions on life and dreams with Baptiste, the clown. They often philosophize and forget the world around them. Betty slowly becomes accustomed to the new neighbours. She begins to see her life and her concerns in a completely new light. And not just Tommy makes friends with clown Baptiste.

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