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Good Times

Original title: Beste Zeit
German title: Beste Zeit
95 min
German Focus
from 14 years
Direction: Marcus H. Rosenmüller
Script: Karin Michalke
Cast: Peter Mitterrutzner, Ferdinand Schmidt-Modrow, Andreas Giebel, Rosalie Thomass, Johanna Bittenbinder


2007 | German Focus

Additional Information
Helmut Pirnat
Anne Loewer
Gerd Baumann

Dachau country is at the back of beyond. Kati and her best friend Jo live just here. Is it any wonder the two girls have itchy feet. On a meadow under the night sky they hang onto their dreams of liberty, adventure and true love. True love might already be there for Kati in the form of army soldier Mike, or so she thinks. But Mike shows little interest in a date. He pretends to be busy and is conspicuous by his absence. In contrast to Rocky, who helps Kati whenever she is having a bit of strife with her parents. She can usually count on him. The friend from childhood days is secretly in love with Kati. But being more than Kati’s good friend is just impossible. In order to get closer to her dream of liberty, Kati has applied for one school year in the USA. On her 17th birthday she receives an acceptance. Finally the best time can begin. But suddenly Kati has doubts. Jo cannot understand this at all. She would have packed her bags immediately. Unlike her friend, Jo exactly knows what she wants: life, liberty and a boy friend, who takes an interest in her at last.

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