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Adventures in the Land of Asha

Original title: Jules au pays d’Asha
German title: Abenteuer im Land von Asha
89 min
Children´s Film
from 8 years
2023 | German Premiere
Direction: Sophie Farkas Bolla


2023 | Children´s Film

Additional Information

In a cold winter of the 1940s, nine-year-old Jules and his family move to live with his uncle in the Québec countryside. His uncle makes plans to settle a “new land” by destroying the living space of the local indigenous population. Jules is confined to the attic of the house because he suffers from a rare skin disease – the reason why his arms are badly scarred and resemble the look of tree bark. Although the disease is not contagious, the boy is shunned at school and by the village community. Under his bed he suddenly finds an exciting book about the indigenous population of America that interests him very much. One day Jules follows his dog and best friend Flagrant into the forest, where he meets Asha, a girl belonging to the Meskwaki people. She lives alone in the wilderness and has to fend for herself because her parents have been missing for some time. When Asha assures Jules that her mother can cure his illness, the two friends set out to find her parents. But the search quickly turns into a dangerous adventure.

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