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SCHLiNGEL with German films in Tajikistan


The Shum Bola - organised in cooperation with and locally by the Goethe-Institut Tashkent - is currently taking place for the 11th time. This year, for the first time, German films are being shown not only in Uzbekistan, but also in various cities in Tajikistan.

The first stop: the Tajik capital Dushanbe. The festival was opened there together with the German ambassador York Schuegraf. The young viewers could look forward to exciting film discussions. They had the opportunity to talk to Markus Dietrich, director of WILD HEART and Maike Ramke-Lassahn, the storyboard artist of THE AMAZING MAURICE as well as for GHOSTS UNDER THE FERRIS WHEEL with Stefan Pfäffle, editor at KiKA, as well as with our festival director Michael Harbauer.

On the occasion of the "Bachahoi Schuch", as the Shum Bola is called in Tajik, the Permanent Representative of the German Embassy in Dushanbe, Martin Franz Langer, hosted a reception at the embassy with representatives from the worlds of culture, business and politics.

Over the next few days, the SCHLiNGEL and the film-makers travelling with it will visit other cities in Tajikistan and then Uzbekistan.

The presentation of the German films is being organised with the support of the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung MDM, the Saxon State Chancellery, German Films and the German Embassy in Dushanbe.

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