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Chemnitzer students as part of MICE Valencia


This year's 11th MICE Film Festival, which has been taking place since 16 October, comes to an end on Sunday. We are delighted that we were able to take part again this year - our festival director Michael Harbauer was in Valencia himself.

Justus, Gustaw, Henriette and Lucia from the Georgius-Agricola-Gymnasium in Chemnitz also had the chance to be part of the international youth jury and view various short films. Their particular highlight was the category in which films by pupils for pupils were shown. For the duration of their time on the jury, the Chemnitz students stayed with host families, who welcomed them warmly and integrated them directly into their everyday lives. Unfortunately, they had to return home after just four days, but the young people will remember this time, in which they were able to experience Spanish culture so closely, for a long time to come.

And director Stefan Westerwelle was also with WHAT THE FINN!? SUMMER OF SUPRISES, which was part of this year's SCHLiNGEL programme, in Valencia to present his film to the Spanish audience.

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