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The Home in the Tree

Original title: Shù shàng yǒu gè hǎo dìfāng
German title: Mein Baumzuhause
96 min
Children´s Film
from 9 years
2019 | German Premiere
Direction: Zhonghua (Steven) Zhang
Script: Zhang Zhonghua


2019 | Children´s Film

Additional Information

Chinese school children are under an enormous pressure to perform well. In the small village school, where the boy Ba-Wang is a student, texts are memorised and recited even during the breaks. Soon the major comparison test will take place and the director demands one of the best results in the country. Ba-Wang does not care about all this hustle and bustle. He is a teaser, takes it easy and prefers splashing around to swotting. His parents and teachers do not like his attitude and his poor marks. But when young teacher Ms Wen comes to his school, the class clown’s life changes. She sees him as a creative boy who needs assurance in order to develop his talents. She encourages him and gives him responsibility. His marks improve and he even wins an award. But when Ms Wen’s boyfriend shows up, Ba-Wang is seized by jealousy – and this has serious consequences.

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