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Forest Princess

Original title: Lesnaja Zarewna
German title: Die Waldprinzessin
94 min
Children´s Film
from 8 years
2005 | International Premiere
Direction: Tejmuras Esadse, Alexander Bassow
Script: Tejmuras Esadse
Cast: Maria Kulikowa, Juri Nasarow, Viktor Sergatschew, Wladimir Simonow


2005 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Alexander Garibjan
Wladimir Pankow

Once upon the time there were three sons of a czar – Fjodor, Vasilij and Ivan. And how often in Russian fairy tales Ivan is known as a fool. His two older brothers despise and ridicule him. Once a day in the forest they look for goblins and fairies. There he saves the life of a white pigeon. But in reality this animal is the forest princess Marya. Whenever it isn‘t identifiable at first sight because she is dirty and without manners. Soon Maria learns the daily work in the house. But not only this. Ivan can count on her whenever he has to fight against evil and worst enemies. One task she cannot finnish either. So Ivan has to start a long and dangerous journey, which close is not sure.

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