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Let Him Be a Basketball Player

Original title: Kosarkar naj bo
German title: Ranta, der Basketballer
90 min
Junior Film
from 12 years
2017 | German Premiere
Direction: Boris Petkovič


2017 | Junior Film

Additional Information

Ranta is so tall that he could tie a necktie for giraffes. This is how his companions tease their somewhat lanky and always hungry friend. His sports teacher is profoundly convinced Ranta would be a born basketball player, but his first games are failures and earn him laughter of the spectators. But clumsy and quite sluggish Ranta quickly learns dribbling and shooting hoops. Finally, he becomes the celebrated basketball star of his school. He is gaining in popularity and meets Metka, his first great love. At a party, Ranta convinces his beloved of his “singing talent” and of his affection for her. Together with Smodlak, his closest friend, who supports him in every condition of life and accompanies him as a manager, he copes with all the hurdles standing in his way. When Ranta receives an offer from the manager of the opposing team, he has to make a choice and prove his abilities in the decisive final.

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