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Little Spirou

Original title: Le Petit Spirou
German title: Kleiner Schlingel Spirou
83 min
Children´s Film
France, Belgium
from 8 years
2017 | German Premiere
Direction: Nicolas Bary
Script: Nicolas Bary, Laurent Turner


2017 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Vincent Gallot
Les Films Du Cap

Little Spirou is to change school after the summer holidays in order to train as a bellboy. This is a family tradition, all his ancestors worked as bellboys. Spirou and his friends Antoine, Nicolas and Cassius find this destiny anything but good and want to prevent Spirou from riding the lift, opening doors and carrying suitcases all his life. His grandfather Pepe wants to prepare him for his future, and therefore he trains with the boy on a daily basis. When Spirou visits a fortune-teller who prophesies him a future full of thrilling adventures, he finally realises what he wants to become. With the help of his friends he prepares a 'world trip' for his beloved Suzette. This is connected with some hurdles, because he has not only friends and patrons. Finally, the trip can start, and Spirou proves to everybody that he has the making of much more than just carrying luggage.

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