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Yakari, a Spectacular Journey

Original title: Yakari - Der Kinofilm
German title: Yakari - Der Kinofilm
80 min
German Focus
Germany, France, Belgium
from 5 years
2020 | German Premiere
Direction: Xavier Giacometti, Toby (Tobias) Genkel


2020 | German Focus

Additional Information
Wunderwerk GmbH, Dargaud Media

Every day, Yakari the little Indian boy experiences many adventures with his friends Little Badger, Rainbow and the tribe’s dog, Droopy Ear. But Yakari wishes for nothing more than the friendship of Little Thunder, a wild pony which his tribe has been trying in vain to catch for a long time. One day, when Yakari saves the life of Little Thunder, who has been fleeing again, Great Eagle, his totem animal, does not only give him the feather that only the bravest of the tribe are allowed to wear, but also the ability to speak to animals as a reward for his kind and selfless deed. With this advantage, Yakari follows the wild pony. But it takes more than just knowing Little Thunder’s language to win his friendship. Yakari is discouraged and looks for the way back to his tribe. In times of approaching storms this becomes an adventurous journey, in the course of which Yakari meets Little Thunder again, who now saves Yakari's life. Together they set out on an arduous journey, Yakari picks up his old courage and Little Thunder becomes his best friend.

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