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Eric and Maria - The Journey to Posterstein

Original title: Eric und Maria - Die Reise nach Posterstein
German title: Eric und Maria - Die Reise nach Posterstein
60 min
German Focus
from 6 years
Direction: Michael Werner
Script: Michael Werner, Stefan Gabel
Cast: Eric Schimmel, Michelle Borm, Chris Barth, Lisa Rab, Sabrina Rosenberg


2005 | German Focus

Additional Information
Michael Werner
Joachim Lehberger, Bernhard Schuh, Christoph Peetz

"Hurray, we are the winners" - 22 pupils win a weekend trip. The medieval castle Posterstein is the desitnation. As a result they learn much interesting about the life hundred years ago. Two of them experience a great adventure within the castle walls. In a dream they live the life on the castle, as master and mistress.

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