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Pinly & Flau - Pools and Balls

Original title: Pinly & Flau - Klor & Klunker
German title: Pinly & Flau - Spaß und Bälle
3 min
Short Film
from 7 years
Direction: Martin Strange-Hansen
Script: Martin Strange-Hansen


2009 | Short Film

Additional Information
Flemming Nordkrog

Flau goes to the indoor pool. There his swim bag is mistakenly changed by an elder woman. Not so easy at all to get it back. Each of the film of the series features either the girl Pinly or the boy Flau. Both are 13 years old and are pupils in the 6th grade. In all the episodes Pinly and Flau think back on a certain day, they will never forget, because it was immensely uncomfortable and awkward. Like all other teenies they stand on the brink to the grown-up world with all the awkward first time experiences lying in wait. The series “Pinly & Flau” is Denmark’s first cartoon movies made specifically for mobile phone and internet.

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