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Original title: El Regalo de la Pachamama
German title: Das Geschenk der Pachamama
104 min
Bolivia, Japan, USA
from 12 years
Direction: Toshifumi Matsushita
Script: Toshifumi Matsushita
Cast: Christian Huaygue, Francisco Qutierrez, Funny Mosques, Luis Mamani


2009 | Panorama

Additional Information
Gustavo Soto
Toshifumi Matsushita
Luzmila Carpio

13-year-old Kunturi lives in the Andes of Bolivia on the banks of Uyuni salt lake. His family from the Quetchua people earns their living by extracting large blocks of salt from the lake. Their Goddess is Pachamama. His grandfather always says, “Pachamama is everywhere in nature and watches over us.“ The time of the salt trail has come again. The large salt blocks are placed on the backs of llamas and transported to Polosi. The tour takes them past many mountain villages. Everywhere they exchange salt for other things the family needs. This year Kunturi will accompany the caravan instead of his grandfather who is old and can no longer manage this tour lasting three months. At the end of their journey, the traditional Tinku festival is held. There Kunturi meets beautiful Ulala and falls in love for the first time. They share the same dream – a bicycle ride across the salt lake. At the end of the day Kunturi discovers what his grandmother meant: “Pachamama’s present.“

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