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The Thin Girls

Original title: Die Dünnen Mädchen
German title: Die Dünnen Mädchen
90 min
German Focus
from 12 years
Direction: Maria Teresa Camoglio
Script: Michael Bertl


2008 | German Focus

Additional Information
Sophie Maintigneux

This is not a film about fashion or models. The thin girls are eight young women from 18 to 29. They have been suffering from anorexia for long. This is the deliberate denial of all food, which can lead to starvation. The women suffer from this disease and try to fight it. Sometimes this fight seems to be a cry for help. Director Maria Teresa Camoglio has visited a clinic for eating disorders. She accompanies the young women in their everyday clinic routine, in group discussions and workshops. The viewer sees that just reading recipes in preparation for a meal may cause difficulties leading to subsequent refusal of food. In individual interviews, she lets the women talk about how they got the disease and why they cannot break away from it so easily. The film tries to convey an insight into the motivations and the emotional states that may result in such a terrible self-destruction.

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