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The Dragon Spell

Original title: Nikita Koshemjaka
German title: Niki und die Feuerblume
85 min
Animated Film
from 7 years
2017 | German Premiere
Direction: Manuk Depoyan
Script: Sergei Gavrilov (Gawrilow)


2017 | Animated Film

Additional Information

Little Nicky, the son of a tanner, dreams of becoming a hero. Like his father Cyril, who once liberated the kingdom of Kiev from a dangerous dragon, and like his older brother Bogdan, who kicks wooden barrels like footballs. One day, when Cyril is summoned to Adler the wizard, Nicky secretly follows his father. Adler urgently needs help because a red comet has appeared in the sky. It has the power to make the magical fire blossom bloom, thus bringing the once killed dragon back to life. While the master wizard is forging out a plan with Cyril, Nicky gets to know Adler's apprentice, a cheeky bat named Eddie. Through a false spell, they are accidentally sent to the world of magic, where they meet not only miraculous beings, magnificent flowers and plants, but also the brave forest girl Rocky and her best friend, a squirrel. The four of them embark on a journey to find the fire blossom and protect the human world from the evil dragon.

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