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The Rain Fairy

Original title: Deštová víla
German title: Die Regentrude
96 min
Children´s Film
Czech Republic
from 9 years
2010 | German Premiere
Direction: Milan Cieslar
Script: Milan Cieslar, Jan Mika, nach dem Kunstmärchen von Theodor Storm
Cast: Lenka Vlasakova, Vica Kerekes, Jakub Gottwald, Miroslav Donutil


2010 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Karel Fairaisl
Radek Kudela
Petr Hapka

People are fine. In spite of all their wealth and money, however, their love and kindness have withered. The Rain Fairy gets to feel this. She travels around dressed as a poor woman. Everywhere she meets selfishness. Even when she lets it rain, no one takes pity on her. Only beautiful Květuška shows kindness and offers her shelter from the rain. In gratitude, the Rain Fairy gives her an amulet. This is to show her the right way and to help her recognize her true friends. Back from her trip, the Rain Fairy discusses her observations with the other elements of the world. She wants to punish the humans by not letting it rain any more. The sun grants her this wish. Květuška and Ondra are united by a secret love. Ondra’s father is the richest farmer of the village. He opposes his son’s relationship with a poor maid. His meadows and fields are still in full bloom. But he knows that it will not much longer be like this. Ondra and Květuška will not be allowed to marry unless the girl succeeds in bringing the rain back. An almost unsolvable problem. But Květuška meets this challenge – for the sake of her love and for life in the village. She sets out on a long journey. The girl has to fulfil three difficult tasks on her way. Yet time and again Květuška loses track of the Rain Fairy. She is filled with despair, breaks down and cries.

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