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Mission: School of Fun

Original title: Die unlangweiligste Schule der Welt - Auf Klassenfahrt
German title: Die unlangweiligste Schule der Welt
87 min
German Focus
from 10 years
2023 | World Premiere
Direction: Ekrem Ergün


2023 | German Focus

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FSK: 0

Maxe Zack probably attends the world’s most boring school ruled by super strict headmaster Schnittlich. He has compiled 777 rules in his “Schnittlich Regulations” which the children are supposed to comply with. Moreover, the headmaster wants to introduce this set of rules to all schools in the country. A troublemaker like Maxe Zack gets in his way here. This is why he and his class are sent far away on a class trip. Together with their teacher Mrs Penne, the children end up in a dilapidated castle in the middle of a forest. But Maxe has a helper by his side: Rasputin Rumpus. The mysterious man with the rare name is an inspector of a special kind. He works for the boredom-fighting agency. With his help, the school trip develops into an exciting, thrilling and sometimes not entirely harmless adventure. So the children, who have always obeyed Schnittlichs’ rules, develop the courage and ideas to take things into their own hands. Above all, they are determined to thwart the directors’ mean plans.


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