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12 Hours to Destruction

Original title: Abbababb!
German title: Abbababb - Rettet die Schule!
89 min
Children´s Film
Iceland, Finland
from 8 years
2023 | German Premiere
Direction: Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir


2023 | Children´s Film

Additional Information

It is the beginning of the 1980s. Aron, Óli and eleven-year-old Hanna are friends and simply spread good humour with “Red Skull”, a brightly coloured mixture of music in contemporary styles. They founded the band four years ago and have been very successful with it. But suddenly Óli no longer wants to be part of the band and prefers to start a solo career. Slowly, their friendship is in danger and almost on the rocks. Suddenly a threatening letter appears. It says that the school is to be destroyed in twelve hours, exactly during their next “Red Skull” concert. Hanna is beside herself with worry and rounds up her friends. Together they want to catch the culprit and save the school. The hunt for the letter writer begins and everyone is a suspect. Who has actually done it? The three friends meet punks, disco lovers, but also bizarre teachers and mysterious youngsters. In their search, misadventures are bound to happen and prejudices are stirred up. Finally, after some confusion, the three of them come across a hot lead and soon find the guilty person.

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