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Original title: Singo
German title: Singo
82 min
Children´s Film
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
from 9 years
2022 | German Premiere
Direction: Alireza Mohammadi


2022 | Children´s Film

Additional Information

Shafa is a very special girl who loves riding her motorbike, is not afraid of anyone and loves animals more than anything. Together with her father and her two siblings, she lives on the fishing island of Queshm. The island has its own laws, which are mainly determined by rich Barat Khan. One day, the fishermen return with a rich catch. Shafa’s fatherʼs net contains four rare horseshoe crabs, which are very valuable because of their healing blood, and are called “Singo” on the island. Barat Khan buys all islanders a Coke and stipulates that he alone will handle the sale and decide what to do with the proceeds. Shafaʼs father is allowed to take the tub with the crabs home for the time being. Shafa, however, cannot believe that these beautiful, endangered horseshoe crabs are to be killed, especially as it seems to be a mother with her three children. She secretly puts the animals back into the sea at night. She has no idea what terrible consequences this will have for her family and especially for her older sister Rezvane. 

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