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Sihja, the Rebel Fairy

Original title: Sihja - kapinaa ilmassa
German title: Sihja - Rebellion in der Luft
89 min
Children´s Film
from 8 years
2021 | German Premiere
Direction: Marja Pyykkö
Script: Kirsikka Saari, Jenni Toivoniemi


2021 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Tuffi Films

One evening, ten-year-old Alfred discovers a little fairy with wild blonde hair in his room. Her name is Sihja, she is 3,000 years old and wants to stay with the humans. The two of them quickly become friends, although Sihja sometimes behaves outrageously. Not only does she run up walls, she also likes eating bogeys, or flowers from a vase, and goes on the rampage at lunch. Above all, Sihja quickly loses her temper and then unleashes whirlwinds. So Alfred has his hands full teaching his new friend the rules of human behaviour. His parents are surprised at the strange girl, but they do not have time to investigate further because the chemical factory they both work for is launching a new product: the fertiliser Miragulpous, which makes all plant-based materials bloom. But strangely, at the same time, a bird die-off is observed in the city. Alfred and Sihja have their suspicions and investigate on their own. In this dangerous adventure, Alfred outgrows himself and Sihja learns to use her superpowers properly.

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