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The winners of the 20th SCHLINGEL Film Festival have been selected

The International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience SCHLINGEL reached another highlight at the festive Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening. Ten juries had the difficult task of choosing their favorite films.


“Ehrenschlingel” Honory Award 2015 to Gert K. Müntefering

Gert K. Müntefering dominated children’s television in the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1960s and 1960s like no other; he has even changed it and left his marks to this day.


20th SCHLINGEL get started

On 5th October the German premiere of the French production MICROBE & GASOLINE by director Michel Gondry opened the 20th International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience SCHLINGEL in Chemnitz/Germany.


Meet us in Cannes!

Tomorrow the Festival de Cannes starts and members of the SCHLINGEL festival team are there as well.


SCHLINGEL goes Uzbekistan

From 27 April until 6 May festival director Michael Harbauer stayed in Tashkent and Samarkand / Uzbekistan to present 14 German productions in the context of the 2nd film festival “Shum Bola“ (= Schlingel, cheeky boy).


Networking in New York and Montreal

Before our managing director, Michael Harbauer, travels to the FIFEM in Montreal, he first visits the New York International Children’s Film Festival which started yesterday. His purpose is to search new film productions to be shown at the 20th edition of SCHLINGEL.


SCHLINGEL was visiting Tel Aviv

In the beginning of the year the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL was invited to Tel Aviv. Together with project coordinator, Gritt Langer, the director of IFF SCHLINGEL, Michael Harbauer, was speaking with members of the Goethe-Institut about plans to organise a SCHLINGEL Matinee in Israel.

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