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SCHLiNGEL presents German films in Cuba


Co-organised by the German Embassy in Cuba and the Goethe-Institut, MICE Cuba is currently taking place in Havana from 6 to 12 May. Presented by SCHLiNGEL, the SCHLiNGEL winner of the Chemnitz Top Award, MORGEN IRGENDWO AM MEER, was screened at the start. Director Patrick Büchting and lead actor Jonas Kaufmann travelled to Havana together with the SCHLiNGEL festival director Michael Harbauer to talk to the audience. Producer Holger Ellermann was also there to present his film DIE PFEFFERKÖRNER UND DER SCHATZ DER TIEFSEE to the young audience at an unusual location with a social character away from the city centre.

The MICE in Havana is an offshoot of the MICE Valencia film festival and was initiated by MICE director Josep Arbiol and Michael Harbauer as an exchange platform between Central American and European film.

The presentation of German films at MICE Cuba is supported by the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung MDM, the Saxon State Chancellery, the Goethe-Institut and the German Embassy in Havana.

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