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Lassie Come Home

Original title: Lassie - Eine abenteuerliche Reise
German title: Lassie - Eine abenteuerliche Reise
96 min
General - , -
from 9 years
2020 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Hanno Olderdissen


2020 | German Focus

Additional Information

Twelve-year-old Flo’s life is shaken up when his family has to move. Until then they had lived in a quiet village in southern Germany, together with their faithful collie bitch Lassie. Now Flo’s father has lost his job and can no longer pay the rent. But pets are not allowed in the new flat and the annoying landlady Mrs Möller cannot be dissuaded from her opinion. Therefore, Lassie is placed in the hands of nice Count von Sprengel, only until Mrs Möller has calmed down, so they say. Flo is inconsolable, as he misses his dog friend wherever he goes. Fortunately, Lassie is in good hands with Count von Sprengel until the old man has to travel to a North Sea island with his granddaughter. Of course, he takes the collie with him, but also sneaky caretaker Hinz, who cannot stand dogs. At a fortunate moment, Lassie frees herself to escape and run home. An adventurous journey begins for the water-shy bitch, who first has to get off the island and then across Germany all the way down to Bavaria.

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