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The Friend

Original title: Fremder Freund
German title: Fremder Freund
105 min
from 14 years
FSK: from 12 approved
Direction: Elmar Fischer
Script: Elmar Fischer, Tobias Kniebe
Cast: Navid Akhavan, Antonio Wannek, Mina Tander, Mavie Hörbiger, Fatih Alas


2004 | German Focus

Additional Information
Florian Emmerich
Matthias Beine

Yunes, 22 years, a student in Berlin, born in Yemen, just disappears. Without any notice, without a word of goodbye. Chris, his German flatmate is getting worried. He remembers the wonderful moments of thei friendship but also his friend's fits of rage that startled everyone. Chris starts looking for his friend. Yunes remains untraceable. Not even his parents know where he is. Then there is 11 September 2001 ...

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