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The School of Magical Animals

Original title: Die Schule der magischen Tiere
German title: Die Schule der magischen Tiere
93 min
General - , -
Germany, Austria
from 7 years
2021 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Gregor Schnitzler


2021 | German Focus

Additional Information

Ida has moved and therefore had to leave the most wonderful school and the most wonderful friends. Now she attends the timehonoured Winterstein School, where strict headmaster Siegmann and caretaker Wondraschek are in charge. Luckily, Ida soon gets a new class teacher. Miss Cornfield looks like a grown-up Pippi Longstocking, is very nice, but also a bit strange. She wants to give every child a magical animal that can talk and immediately turns into a stuffed animal when an outside person approaches it. Ida gets the smart little fox Rabbat, her classmate Benni the wise turtle Henrietta. The two outsiders not only have a lot of fun with their animals, but also make friends in class. Even Jo, for whom Ida has had a crush on for some time, now tries to win her favour. But then, night after night, a thief plies his dreadful trade in their school. Sometimes he is after Siegmann’s kohlrabies, sometimes he goes for Ida’s earrings. An exciting search begins. Ida, Benni and the magical animals have to overcome several obstacles until they find the real culprit

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