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Chubby Drums

Original title: Dik Trom
German title: Trommelbauch
85 min
Children´s Film
from 10 years
Highly Recommended
2011 | German Premiere
Direction: Arne Toonen
Script: Luuk van Bemmelen, Mischa Alexander, Wijo Koek
Cast: Nils Verkooijen, Michael Nierse, Marcel Musters, Fiona Livingston


2011 | Children´s Film

Additional Information
Deutsch, Niederländisch
Englisch (UT), Niederländisch (UT)
Jeroen de Bruin
Erik Jan Grob
Eyeworks Film & TV Drama

Dik Trom, Chubby Drums, lives in Roundville, a place where all people are fat and happy, like eating a lot and especially often laugh. Of course, Dik is quite plump and very satisfied with his figure, which helps him to win the Roundville sports competition every year. For no one can better jump off the three-meter tower, thereby displacing almost all the water from the swimming pool. One day his parents receive the offer to open a real restaurant in Thinhaven, instead of their hot dog stand. But the Trom family does not know that Thinhaven is the exact opposite of Roundville. There the people are very busy watching their weight, eating low fat and calorie-consciously and do continuous exercises. Fat people like the Troms are a scandal in Thinhaven! Suddenly, Dik, who was always so popular at home, is teased by the others and for the first time, he has a problem with his figure. But then he makes friends with Lieve, the prettiest girl in class, and shares a secret with her.


"Dieser holländische Kinderfilm erzählt mit viel Witz, Ironie und herrlich flotten Pointen die Geschichte von drei freundlichen Dicken in einer feindlichen Umwelt, in der korpulente Menschen wie Aliens behandelt werden. Der Film greift Themen wie Diät- und auch Fress-Sucht geschickt und unverkrampft auf und ist eine wundersame Mischung aus MOMO, MARY POPPINS, knalligem Pop-Märchen und liebenswerter Realsatire." 

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