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Little Ones

Original title: Petites
German title: Little Ones
90 min
Youth Film
from 16 years
2023 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Julie Lerat-Gersant


2023 | Youth Film

Additional Information

Camille is sixteen years old and has an unwanted pregnancy. After trying to abort the child herself, she ends up in hospital and is then sent to a home for pregnant women and young mothers by order of a family court judge. Here Camille is on her own for the first time and separated from her mother, with whom she has an intimate and almost toxic friendship. Surrounded by pregnant women and young mothers, she slowly becomes aware of her responsibility, which she rejects defiantly and due to youthful recklessness. She rebels against social worker Nadine, sneaks out in the evening to go partying and does not take care of her body – fuelled by her mother’s lifestyle and views. But slowly the pregnancy becomes visible, forcing Camille to grow up promptly and without her mother’s influence. Caught between her hitherto carefree youth and her parental duties to come, she begins to question herself and her relationships. Eventually, Camille must make a life-changing decision without her mother’s advice.

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