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A Brixton Tale

Original title: A Brixton Tale
German title: A Brixton Tale
76 min
Youth Film , Special Programme
2021 , 2023
from 16 years
2021 | Chemnitz Festival Premiere
Direction: Darragh Carey, Bertrand Desrochers


2021 | Youth Film

2023 | Special Programme

Additional Information

YouTuber and prospective filmmaker Ophelia, also known as Leah, never leaves home without her camera. While filming in the street, she meets shy Benji. The two of them spend a lot of time together and fall in love. Even at home, Leah cannot put her camera down, and she becomes almost obsessed with filming Benji, the star of her documentary about the city, in striking situations. She cannot even stop when Benji encounters members of an enemy gang. She thereby puts him in threatening situations. To gain even more success and attention in the film industry, Leah wants to capture ever more extreme and dramatic footage, so Benji and Leah get involved in more brutal acts. In a drug frenzy at a party, the situation escalates. In the end, the two teenagers can no longer tell film and reality apart, and it becomes obvious how different their living environments are.

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