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My Extraordinary Summer with Tess

Original title: Mijn bijzonder rare week met Tess
German title: Meine wunderbar seltsame Woche mit Tess
82 min
Netherlands, Germany
from 8 years
Direction: Steven Wouterlood
Script: Laura van Dijk
Cast: Hans Dagelet, Suzan Boogaerdt, Julian Ras, Johannes Kienast, Jennifer Hoffman, Sonny van Utteren, Josephine Arendsen, Tjebbo Gerritsma, Terence Schreur, Guido Pollemans

2019 | German Focus

A week’s holiday with the family by the sea! For Sam, it is a week full of mystery, happiness and sadness. He is greatly saddened by the thought that his parents and his older brother Jorre will die one day. Probably even before him because Sam is the youngest of the family. So he prepares himself for this painful moment.

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