The winners of the short film competition have been announced!
The Professional Jury Short and Animated Film, consisting of Christoph Bauer (Halle/Saale), Rolf Birn (Dresden), Anne King (Leipzig) and Ines Wolter (Chemnitz), presented the following short film awards:
Short Feature Film Award National
endowed by Filmverband Sachsen, 500 euros
(Germany 2017, 18 min., Direction: Cengiz Akaygün)
Not only the self-made picture of a bird, that Sirin drew for her father, manages to inspire him with confidence, although that picture was confiscated. Too strong is the symbolic meaning. The five mandarin pips spread hope. Hope, to be no longer powerless in the face of governmental despotism and oppression. Mandarin Tree is a touching film, which shows not only through exceptional acting, how strong people can be despite the emotional cruelties they are exposed to.
Special Mention: Teenage Threesome (Germany 2017, 4 min., Director: Arkadij Khaet)
Short FEATURE Film Award International
endowed by Filmverband Sachsen, 500 euros
(Spain 2017, 10 min., Direction: Javier Quintas)
In less than ten minutes, Javier Quintas tells the story of Dani, Martina and their mother. With only a few dialogues, the Spanish director manages to give the audience an insight into the family’s situation. The three of them live in very modest conditions, which are neither told with dramatic music nor with exceptional cinematography. The director doesn’t use any clichés to outline the poverty of the family – in the middle of Europe and in a country not that poor. […] The movie is a thought provoking one and that is certainly intended. Poverty and hunger are not that far away from us. That scenery could easily be taken toGermany as well. Although chronic malnutrition is extremely rare in Germany today, the human rights organization FIAN has observed that an increasing number of people in Germany are unable to "eat properly and in dignity". Particularly affected are children living in households that are relying on Hartz IV, pensioners and refugees. The food banks “Die Tafeln” are celebrating their 25th anniversary this year. It is a sad anniversary. But a beautiful movie.
Secial Mention: Clumsy (Georgia 2017, 7 Min., Directress: Ana Gabisiani)
Short Film Award Animation National
endowed by AG Animationsfilm, 500 euros
(Germany 2017, 4 min., Direction: Julia Ocker)
Things aren't always what they appear at first glance, not even in the savannah as this film shows us in a charming way. The king of all animals runs from his bulging tummy rather than after the gazelle surprising not only his assumed prey but also the audience, no matter if 4 or 44 years old. The filmmaker manages to instill a wonderfully lighthearted wittyness into a perfectly paced story not wasting a single second. Having seen this colourful fun one is full of joy and ready for more. Julia Ocker wowed us with her ,Lion' and for that she deserves the Award for Best German/National Animated Short.
Special Mention: Mascarpone (Germany 2018, 14 min., Director: Jonas Riemer)
Short Film Award Animation International
endowed by AG Animationsfilm, 500 euros
(Russia 2018, 11 min., Directress: Shanna Bekmambetowa)
With a few symbols and the omission of stages of life and the history of events, the author of the animated film "Tweet-Tweet" succeeded in presenting spaces for your own thoughts and feelings.
These include, among other things, an ending rope, which becomes a barbed wire, feet, hands and a small bird that reproduces situations and memories. The emotions of the audience are supported by strong sound elements. The animated film "Tweet-Tweet" is a symbolic and imaginative film.
Special Mention: Drops (Denmark 2017, 5 min., Direction: Sarah Joy Jungen, Karsten Peter Kjærulf-Hoop)
The award ceremony for the long feature and animated films will take place on Saturday, 6 October 2018 from 5.30 p.m. in the Small Hall of the Stadthalle Chemnitz.