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SCHLiNGEL presents German productions at SMILE Film Festival


In 2025, we will continue to represent German-language film culture for the younger generation abroad. 2025 is also the year in which the SCHLiNGEL's home city steps into the spotlight as the European Capital of Culture. The first stop in this special year is once again the Indian capital New Delhi, where the 11th edition of the SMILE International Film Festival for Children and Youth (SIFFCY) kicked off on 28 January. We are presenting German productions there as part of the diverse film programme. The films will be accompanied by SCHLiNGEL director Michael Harbauer. In addition to interacting with the young viewers on site, he will also be working on one of this year's juries.

Over the past 30 years since our founding, the SCHLiNGEL Film Festival has been able to establish close contacts with other film festivals for young audiences around the world, including SIFFCY in India. On this basis, not only Indian films, such as the most recent SOARING WINGS, are part of the SCHLiNGEL programme in Chemnitz, but German films also make it to the big screen in India time and again. "I am very happy about such a continuous partnership, which on the one hand actively contributes to the cultural enrichment of the SCHLiNGEL programme and also gives us the opportunity to show special German productions in a country like India, in whose culture the enthusiasm for film and cinema is so deeply rooted," says Michael Harbauer in advance.

The SMILE film festival is a partner festival of the European Union and takes place at numerous venues, also beyond the city limits of New Delhi. The IFF SCHLiNGEL presents the German-Dutch co-production BIGMAN, in cooperation with the Goethe Institute / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi the film WINNERS, which premiered at the Berlinale, as well as the animated film NIKO - BEYOND THE NORTHERN LIGHTS from Finland, Germany, Ireland and Denmark. There is also a programme of German short films that have already been shown in Chemnitz. Among others, FOREVER SEVEN, the SCHLiNGEL winner of the Short Film Award Animation National 2024, can be seen as part of the competition. The films will be presented by SCHLiNGEL director Michael Harbauer, who is also be part of this year's ECFA jury.

SIFFCY is the only film festival outside Europe to present an ECFA Award for the best European film. At yesterday's SIFFCY awards ceremony, the ECFA Jury awarded its prize to the German production GREETINGS FROM MARS by Sarah Winkenstette, which was also screened at our festival last year. German films were also able to impress in the other categories. GREETINGS FROM MARS was also honoured as best children's film. The production was also honoured with the FCCI Award and Sarah Winkenstette as Best Director. The prize for best youth film went to the film WINNERS by Soleen Yusef, presented by SCHLiNGEL. Congratulations to all the winning films!

The presentation of German films abroad as part of SCHLiNGEL International is supported by the Saxon State Chancellery and the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung MDM.

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