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SCHLINGEL members traveled to Tokyo


In mid-March the Premier of the Free State of Saxony, Stanislav Tillich, was visiting Japan and its cities Tokyo, Yonezava, Nagoya and Osaka. In addition, members of film festival SCHLINGEL traveled to Tokyo to arrange a cultural programme around the premier’s trip. Klausjörg Herrmann, director of the German film THE SEVENTH RAVEN, organised a film screening and workshops for students at the Deutsche Schule Tokyo Yokohama. He was accompanied by Michael Harbauer, the director of the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL, and Anja Müller, the educational assistant.

Press contact:

SCHLINGEL International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience
Christin Franz, M.A. | Public Relations
Neefestraße 99 | 09119 Chemnitz | Germany

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