International Film Festival SCHLINGEL presents new designed homepage
Shortly before the 19. version of the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL for Children and Young Audience will start, the festival presents its new designed web site. Revising and updating the old appearance, the website’s visitors get a better access to all information about SCHLINGEL.
By using the already known address the visitors will access the welcome page. With the aid of the well-arranged menu navigation on top, it is possible to retrieve detailed information about the festival. In order to ensure a faster access to the festival program and the educational accessory events these points have their own menu items.
The visitors of the website get information about tickets, costs and juries as well as on the history of the festivals via the menu item “Festival”. Representatives of the press are given the opportunity to receive the latest announcements via the menu item “News”. An insight into the work of the festival team can be gained via the “Image Gallery”. The menu item “Archive”, on the other hand, provides the visitors with information about movie contributions of the past SCHLINGEL editions. The home page is available in English and German.
The new styling of the web site is more contemporary and recent. Based on the new menu navigation, information about the festival are now not only clearly arranged, but also much easier to access. The project was implemented by the Chemnitzer Kommunikationsagentur creativ clicks GmbH.