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International Film Festival SCHLINGEL approved as Reference Film Festival


The national film funding institution FFA approved the International Film Festival for Children and Youth SCHLINGEL officially as reference film festival. Due to this, producers of German children’s and youths movies receive points for their participation in the competition of the Film Festival SCHLINGEL, with which they qualify for subsequent reference film funding. The in Chemnitz resident festival is therefore at eye level with children’s and youths’ film festivals in Chicago, Toronto and Giffoni.

State Minister Dr. Fritz Jaeckel, head of the state chancellery of Saxony, welcomes the decision of the FFA: “The recognition of SCHLINGEL as reference film festival acknowledges Germany’s biggest children’s and youths’ film festival. With its international choice of films, SCHLINGEL gives children and youths an insight in foreign cultures. This helps building bridges for better mutual appreciation. In a globalized world, this is more important than ever – therefore congratulations!”

Besides awards, nominations and participations at international significant film festivals, the amount of visitors in movie theatres is the basis for the determination of the amount of reference points. To qualify for reference funding, children’s movies with production costs up to 1 Million Euros have to gain at least 50.000 reference points. If the movie was given the attribute “extraordinarily valuable” (“besonders wertvoll”) by the Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW) or was shown at a reference film festival, at least 25.000 visitors are necessary. Children’s movies have to achieve the necessary points within three years of premiere in German cinemas. For short films with a length less than 59 minutes other terms are in place.

The amount of funding depends on the achieved overall score, the amount of applicants and the overall budget, which varies annually. Funding aids – benefits, which have to be used for productions or the release of new productions – are awarded once a year. The national film funding institution FFA, with residency in Berlin promotes the production of movies of all genres.

Until July 1st 2017 national as well as international film makers are able to submit their productions for the selection view for the 22nd International Film Festival SCHLINGEL. Altogether more than 60.000 Euros will be awarded. The 22nd SCHLINGEL takes place September 25th until October 1st 2017 in Chemnitz. Last year over 181 productions from 54 different countries were presented. Therefore, this festival is the largest platform for this genre.

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