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IFF SCHLINGEL receives EU funding | About 900 films compete to be screened at the festival


In three months from now, the 19th edition of the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL will be held. In the weeks to come, a seven-member selection committee is going to make a final decision on the films to be screened during the festival week starting 13 October. In the pool are about 900 films from 77 countries, of which nearly half are short and animated movies. More than 100 of these film productions will be screened at the festival theatre, the CineStar in the Galerie Roter Turm in Chemnitz. Most of these films are German premiers.

After a two-year break, the 19th edition of the festival is financially supported by the European Union. Within the framework of the new sub-programme MEDIA “Creative Europe” SCHLINGEL receives 41.000 Euros. The objective is to arouse the interest in European works as well as to improve the access to them. The International Film Festival SCHLINGEL is the only children’s film festival in Germany to receive funding by the European Union. Festival director Michael Harbauer is delighted from this decision: “That we are again able to enjoy the pleasure of MEDIA-support is owed to or conception as well as the great commitment of everyone involved. I am certain that we convinced the committee with the variety of our programme as well as the guests and hence were able to meet their high expectations.“ The evaluation report of the committee says “The International Film Festival SCHLINGEL reflects a clear artistic vision and presents a very good European programming. The audience is constantly growing, as the festival is implementing various strategies to reach new spectators on local and international level. The strong education department within the festival team organises high quality film literacy activities.”
A total of 127 festivals had applied for funding from the programme; 37 of them received a positive decision. Furthermore, the festival is substantially supported by the Free State of Saxony and the city of Chemnitz.

SCHLINGEL is an independent film festival with international competitions and a diversified supporting programme. The festival is regarded as a platform for international children’s and youth films in Germany. An overview of the latest film productions from all over the world is available every year in autumn. In 2013 the festival attracted about 13.500 visitors to the CineStar, in which 132 films from 28 countries were shown. The festival is organised by the Sächsische Kinder- und Jugendfilmdienst e.V. in Chemnitz and co-organised by the Sächsische Landesanstalt für neue Medien (SLM).

Press contact:

SCHLINGEL – International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience
Christin Franz, M.A. | Public Relations
Neefestraße 99 | 09119 Chemnitz |Germany

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