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German girl was jury member in Saint-Quentin


While her classmates were already at school, student Laura Rueger and French teacher Karin Freund from Chemnitz came back from their journey to the French film festival Cine-Jeune. In Saint-Quentin Laura Rueger was a member of the International Youth Film Jury. Together with 12 other kids from all over the world she watched 10 films and chose the winner in this category. At the end the Grand Prix of the Youth Jury went to the Swiss film BOLD HEROES by director Michael Schaerer.

Also SCHLINGEL director Michael Harbauer and Programmer Marcel Maiga have been in Saint-Quentin. Marcel was a member of the ECFA Jury, Michael presented German films that have been screened during the last editions of the International Film Festival SCHLINGEL in Chemnitz/Germany.The main intention of the exchange with the French festival is to inspire young film fans with brand new German movies. In 2010 Michael Harbauer was already a guest of the festival. Since 2011 he has been presenting films of the SCHLINGEL category “Focus Germany”.

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