
You have the following 0 movies on your watchlist


95 min

Make Them Jump, Baby! (Let’s Jump!)

Switzerland, Germany
from 12 years

Valentin has always the same pictures on his mind: flying on his snowboard through the snowy mountains, the fall, the helicopter, the medic. Valentin was seriously injured, but his life could be saved. Now he is paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. His life is determined by despair, self-pity and bitterness. Until his mother sends him to a theatre project for young people with disabilities.

93 min

The Crocodiles

from 9 years

The suburb crocodiles are cool. Each gang member wears a crocodile tag that is only granted after a test of courage. Hannes wants to belong to the gang. He manages to climb the roof of the old dilapidated brick factory. He finds the tag, but then it slips from his hand. When Hannes tries to reach for it again, he slips off and clings to the gutter, which cannot carry the burden for long.


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